AGM – Wednesday 15th July via Zoom

The Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 15th 2020 from 7pm via online Zoom

In accordance with the constitution, the business of the meeting shall be:

  • The receipt of the accounts and balance sheet and of the reports of the Club Board and auditor
  • The appointment of an auditor
  • The results of the election of members to the Club Board
  • The audit of any other aspect of the performance of the Club
  • The application of surplus.

Following the conclusion of the business of the AGM, there will be a Members Forum.

All Club members are invited to attend, Members will need to register beforehand and and do so by clicking here or on the link in the members area here

New memberships and renewals will need to complete their membership and register beforehand.

If members need their members area log in details or would like them reset please email

If you are unable to attend but have a question for either the AGM or the Members’ Forum, you can submit your question in advance to

Zoom is a web-based video conferencing service you can use to virtually meet with others by video. You can do this on by downloading the app to your phone or computer. Zoom is available free of charge.

The video will allow you to view the AGM slides, there will also be a Q&A with Manager Andy Peaks at the end. You can raise questions during the call using the ‘chat’ function.

 Ahead of the meeting the Club will send you a link for the AGM.

If you have zoom client already installed on your phone or computer click on ‘launch meeting’ otherwise ‘Download and run zoom’.

Please do this at least 15-20 minutes ahead of the meeting as we will need to approve each participant.

If you would help setting this up please email