Bar Volunteers Required


AFC Rushden & Diamonds are looking for volunteers over 18 years of age to help occasionally in Dale’s Bar and the Main Clubhouse Bar on home match days.



You will be required to help before the game from 1.45pm until 2.55pm and at half-time, 3.45 until 4pm. The bar closes after half time.

We serve a variety of hot and cold drinks and some small snacks. 

You will need to use basic addition skills.

There is always a minimum of 2 people working in this bar.



For afternoon games you will be required to help before the game from 1pm until 2.55pm, halftime 3.45pm until 4pm and after the game from final whistle until around 6pm. 

You will be required to serve a variety of alcoholic and soft drinks along with some snacks. 

Basic addition skills would be handy but a cash till is available.

There are always a minimum of 2 people working in this bar.


For more information or to express your interest please email or see Kerri or Caroline in Dale’s Bar on match days.