Building Work at the Dog & Duck – Access Restrictions

As you may be aware, the plot of land north of the Dog and Duck, towards the Grammar School, is currently being developed as a small retail park.

Work has started on this in the past few weeks, and the first phase has been to remove the side fence at the Dog and Duck, and fence off the Whitworth’s drive whilst that is replaced with a temporary developer access road.

The new fence line cuts across the existing drive to the corner of the Dog & Duck Public House, and is about 0.5 to 1m inside the old line. The existing drive will be retained whilst the new road into the site (Retail Park and access for Dog and Duck and Whitworth’s grounds) is built. Temporary fencing is currently in place inside the new fence line to enable working. The new fence is likely to be similar to the existing green open fencing at the beginning of the driveway. 

For the next few months [10 weeks + at least ] those attending games at Wellingborough Whitworth will be driving through the Dog and Duck Car Park to access that ground, as agreed between all parties and the developers in the last few weeks.

Car Park stewards will be working to ensure we maximise the use of our reduced parking (Car sharing for players/staff /away teams advised etc..), whilst ensuring Whitworth’s can get through to their ground as well.

This Saturday is the first weekend we will have this layout, and Whitworth’s are also at home, so please bear with us on this. The impact to most fans should be minimal as we don’t tend to have spaces on site other than for staff / players /away team/officials and disabled spaces, but be aware that the driveway will potentially be a bit busier with extra traffic.

We will be maintaining the disabled slots that we already have so there should be no impact to those that currently use those spaces.

Ultimately the new entrance to the Dog and Duck Ground for car traffic will be on the existing fence line (approx) opposite the back of the Terrace, and a pedestrian entrance will come into the ground along the existing fence line, opposite the Club Shop.

For general information on accessing the Dog & Duck, including information on car parking etc see here.