Diamonds Members – Matchday Entry Vote

AFC Rushden & Diamonds Members are asked to vote on their preferred price for adult matchday entry for 2014/15 season.

Last season, AFC R&D charged £6 for adult entry, with concessions charged at 50% of the adult rate and with members aged under 16 years, and all under 8s, entering for free. A £6 charge for adult admission was by far the most common price in the United Counties League Premier Division last season; although at least one team charged £5 and another charged £7.

We would like to ask you, as a member of the club, whether the adult entry price should remain at £6 for the forthcoming season or rise to £7. Focusing purely on the financial aspects of your decision, it is obvious that an increased entry price would provide higher gate revenue given the same attendance. This increase in revenue could then be invested into the playing staff.  However, if a £1 increase were to put a significant number of people off attending games, it may actually cost the Club overall. Gate revenue is a key area of income for AFC R&D and maximizing this will make it easier for the Club to achieve its aim of success on and off the pitch.

In order to vote, please go to the “Members’ Area” on this website, where you will see the voting details under the “vote” column heading once you are logged in.

When making your decision, we would encourage you to discuss the matter with other AFC R&D members or log in to the AFC R&D Members’ Forum where the matter can be discussed with other members.

Those members who are unable to log in to that area are also able to vote using the following paper form – Gate Price Voting form

Note that those members who are known to be not active online, (i.e. those members for whom we don’t hold an email address), will receive a letter over the next few days which will include a paper voting form, as well as a covering letter detailing this vote, as well as the election details and a nomination form plus a membership renewal form (details of online membership renewals will be published shortly).