Matchday Volunteers at AFC Rushden & Diamonds

AFC Rushden & Diamonds relies on the tremendous support of a community of volunteers. There are always a number of ways that people can get involved with helping the club, and from time-to-time specific roles will be advertised and can be accessed via the “Current Vacancies” option under the “Club” menu above – or via this link.

Additionally there are many ways you can volunteer to help out on Matchdays, including the following:

Bar Staff – Volunteers over 18 years of age to help occasionally in Dale’s Bar and the Main Clubhouse Bar on home match days – see here for details.

First Aiders – Do you hold a current first aid certificate?, would you be interested in being on call during a matchday, alternatively if you are interested in being trained as a first aider we can help with the course.

Ground assistants – To assist with the repairing of divots at half time and after each fixture on a  voluntary basis.

Stadium clean up operatives – We are looking for volunteers to assist in the cleaning of the stadium after each fixture, the more volunteers the less matches will be required.

Ball Collectors – We urgently need some volunteers to collect the balls on a matchday when they are cleared from the ground.

Matchday Assistant Stewards – We are looking for volunteers to assist paid stewards on a matchday basis, the more volunteers we have the less each one has to do, so please put your name down even if it for a couple of fixtures per season.

Programme Sellers – Volunteers needed to asset the current programme seller around the ground during a matchday.

Media Team – There are many ways to help the Media Team on a matchday – see here for details

If you are able to offer some of your time on a matchday please send an email to