One Club Story 4 – Academy

Here is the next instalment in the series of regular stories from the One Club Group. The second article from the Academy Section can be read below.

‘One Club Group’ – Academy Update – February 2021

Welcome all to the second monthly Academy update from the ‘One Club Group’.  I hope that everyone continues to remain safe & well…

So, Boris addressed the nation on Monday evening (22/02/2021) to spell out his ‘Road Map out of Lockdown’ and whilst the information seemed very detailed, covered most aspects of day-to-day life and gave a sensible (and hopefully lasting) route out of our current National Lockdown – he could have saved a number of conversations across many households in Northamptonshire by answering one direct question:

‘As a player of AFC Rushden & Diamonds Academy – when can I get my football boots back on???’

Of course as parents, coaches and adults we fully understand and support the importance of getting the nation’s children back into the school classroom BUT from a young footballer’s point of view the most important information that Boris gave was when Grassroots Sport can return (i.e., when we can start training & playing again)…

The current Road Map suggests that we will be able to resume training on Monday 29th March.  This gives us (at time of writing) 32 days to make plans for our return.  32 days to ensure that the training / playing environment is safe for our return.  32 days to liaise with our League provider to understand the format of the remaining 2020 / 2021 Season.  32 days to plan a ‘mini pre-season program’ for the squads.  But most importantly 32 days to ensure our young players are back where they want to be (training & playing SAFELY) as soon as possible…

The date that will really be etched into our young players’ minds from a football perspective will be Saturday 10th April.  This is the indicative date for our Academy teams return to League fixture action.  The 10 days between our return to training and the first League fixture will be a busy time for coaches and Academy admin staff alike – but despite the increased workload it will be a far more positive time for all.  Just as the players want to play, the coaches want to coach – having that taken away is difficult for all…

As I said this in my last update – but with a bit more confidence this time (hopefully) – in our next Academy update – we should be in a position to provide an update of our ‘return to football’ and share some ‘on the pitch’ news and success with you…

In the meantime – please all continue to stay safe & well…

Scott Carlin

Head of Academy – AFC Rushden & Diamonds