Player of the Month for December 2015 – Sam Brown

Following a poll on, the winner of the December 2015 Player of the Month award is Sam Brown. Sam showed he wasn’t distracted by the thought of “summer down-under” as he focussed on his performances during what is traditionally a difficult month for the club.

The award is sponsored by P.W. House Jewellers of Rushden, who are continuing a long tradition of sponsoring this award, going back many years with R&DFC. Their business has been part of life in Rushden High Street for the last 60 years.

As Sam is now in distant climes, the award was presented by Andy Peaks to Sam’s “Player Sponsor” Judith Coton for safe-keeping before the game against North Greenford United.

Details of previous winners of the award are available via this link.

Photo courtesy of Malcolm Swinden Photography