The AFC R&D Race Night will be on March 3rd at Kiln Park at 1945. The Tickets cost £2 in advance by calling Glenis on 07870 332606 or £3 on the door. Tickets will be available at all games prior to this event and also you will be able to purchase horses for £2. Please see Glenis or any member of the fundraising group.
We would appreciate it if any supporters reading this you would download copies of the poster and display it in your window at home and anywhere else where you think you could display one.
If you are not able to make any of the forthcoming games or the Race Night itself we would appreciate it if you could either buy horses or sponsor a Race. The cost of sponsoring a Race is £25.00 and your name/company name would appear on the Race Card on the night.
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact Glenis who will only be too pleased to help you.
Let’s make this event even bigger than the family Christmas Party.
Many thanks